bing visual search

Bing Visual Search: Full Definition

Microsoft launched Bing visual search feature in 2018. So, how can you use this tool? Also, how can it help customers and sellers?

Let’s find out!

Bing Visual Search

Imagine the following situation. You are walking in a park. Then, you saw a very beautiful flower.

You want to know what it’s called. So, you opened a search engine. But, you don’t know what to type.

Should you type the description? The color? The texture?

But, how can you find the right words to type? And how can you search for something you don’t know the name of?

Well, that’s where visual search engines come. Today, many companies use this new feature. It includes:

  • Google Lens
  • Amazon Visual Search
  • Pinterest Lens

As mentioned in the start, Microsoft also launched its tool. And it’s called the Bing visual search.

So, how does it work?

Let’s go back to our situation above. First, take a picture of the flower. Then, upload it to Bing.

After that, Bing will identify that flower. If you want to buy the same flower, Bing can also suggest the nearest florist.

Plus, it is available in many apps. It includes:

  • Bing app on iOS and Android
  • Microsoft Launcher
  • Microsoft Edge

Bing Visual Search Benefits

What we have talked about is just one benefit. In this article, we’ll consider the following two benefits:

  • easier product discovery
  • better customer engagement

Let’s discuss them one by one.

Easier product discovery

Another benefit is for sellers. Now, product searches are more accurate. So, it boosts the selling opportunities for shops!

Also, customers can benefit from it. They can now easily find what they’re looking for. So, it simplifies the buying journey.

But, how so?

With visual search, customers don’t have to elaborate on their description. They don’t even have to describe at all!

For example, your friend is wearing a black hat. And you also want one.

Now, you don’t have to type ‘black hat’ and see thousands of results. You can find the same or similar one in no time!

Better customer engagement

Bing’s visual search tool also makes customer engagement better. How so?

Now, media companies still use printed materials to show their products. But, they should invest to connect it to the real world.

Yet, how is that possible with a visual search?

Let’s say there is a printed ad in a magazine. And you wanna buy that item.

You can simply take a photo of that. Then, it will redirect you to the online store.

You can even add it directly to your cart. So, shopping becomes interactive thanks to visual search.

So, how can you use the Bing visual search tool?

Read on to learn more.

How to Use Bing Visual Search

First, click on the Images tab. you can also click Bing images.

Then, click the camera icon. On your phone, you can take a photo directly. You can also upload from your gallery.

But on your desktop or laptop, you can simply drag and drop an image. Then, Bing will show you related photos.

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